2024 Missouri School Social Worker of the Year: LaVell Rucker

2024 Missouri Friend of School Social Work of the Year: Sharon Geuea Jones

(advocate and licensed attorney)

Annual Association Awards

School Social Worker
of the Year

Award Overview

The Missouri School Social Worker of the Year Award recognizes one current SSWAM member in good standing who demonstrates outstanding contributions in her/his service to students and their families, shows initiative in providing services, and contributes to a positive image for the school social work profession. 

How to Nominate

1. Complete online nomination form found below.
2. A one page summary must be provided describing the following contributions and accomplishments of the school social worker as they apply to their practice:

    • Specifics of the nominee’s achievements as they relate to the field of school social work.
    • The personal and professional attributes that characterize the career of the nominee.
    • How the nominees’ work has improved the delivery of school social work services as evidenced in linkages of home, school, and community.
    • How the nominee has contributed to the positive image of school social work.
3. Hit Submit! If your nominee is selected to receive this award, SSWAM will contact you and may request some additional information in preparation for the awards ceremony. 
(Tip: Use Word to create your summary, then cut/paste into form below.)

Important Dates

Nomination Period is Always Open

May 31 - Nomination Period Closes
June Annual Member Meeting (date varies) - Board of Directors Selects and Will Contact Recipient for Upcoming Academic School Year
Fall - Recognition Ceremony at Regional Fall Conference

Friend of School
Social Work

Award Overview

The Friend of School Social Work Award recognizes one person in the state that strives to advance our professional organization’s mission. The recipient of the Friend of School Social Work Award must have demonstrated, over the past school year, dedication to the promotion of social work services in schools combined with a strong desire to help, not only our organization advance, but also advance our member’s professional knowledge base and foster a sense of community among our members. 

How to Nominate

1. Complete the online nomination form found below.

2. Provide a one page summary describing how the nominee meets the requirements outlined in the Award Overview found above (Tip: Use Word to create your summary, then cut/paste into form below.)

3. Hit Submit and you are done!

Who is Eligible?

The friend of school social work is typically not a school social worker and does not have to be a member of SSWAM. Past recipients have worked closely with SSWAM or with members and have included superintendents of school districts, university faculty, and directors of student services, just to name a few.

Important Dates

Nomination Period is Always Open

May 31 - Nomination Period Closes
June Annual Member Meeting (date varies) - Board of Directors Selects and Will Contact Recipient for Upcoming Academic School Year
Fall - Recognition Ceremony at Regional Fall Conference or Place of Employment

Previous Awardees

School Social Worker of the Year

Friend of School Social Work

2023 Tammy Oltman, LCSW

2022      Arthur Seabury, LMSW

2021      All SSWAM members

2020      Kathleen Eaton, LCSW

2019 Debbie Gegg, MSW, LCSW

2018 Carla Gardner, MSW, LCSW

2017 Andrea Boa'z, MSW, ACSW

2016 Kim Harrelson, LCSW

2015 Cherise Grandison, LCSW

2001 Anita Williams, St. Louis Public Schools

2000 Karen DiSanto, Park Hill School District

1999 Betty Howard, St. Louis Public Schools

1998 Ponchita Argieard, University City School District

1997 Sidney Edwards Cole, St. Louis Public Schools

1996 Dot Kontak, Parkway School District

1995 Kathy Greminger, Ferguson-Florissant School District

1994 Pat Peck, Jennings School District

1993 Mary Ann Dunlap, St. Louis Public Schools

1992 Sandra Mueller, Special School District

1991 Jeanne Lynch, St. Louis Public Schools

1990 Mattelyn Pritchett, University City School District

1989 Genevieve O'Hara, St. Louis Public Schools

1988 Barbara French Lee, Special School District

1987 Genevieve O'Hara, St. Louis Public Schools

1983 Helen "Niki" Pieper

1982 Theodore Schmitt, St. Louis Public Schools

1980 Regina Edwards, St. Louis Public Schools

2020-2021 Dr. Melissa Daniel                                                                                        Executive Director of Student Services

2017-2018 Rene Yoesel, PhD, LPC
MO Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education

2016-2017 Aaron Thompson, PhD, MSW
University of Missouri, School of Social Work

2015-2016   Dean Edward F. Lawlor, PhD
Washington University, Brown School of Social Work

2014-2015 Dr. Jim Hammen
Liberty Public Schools Director of Student Services

2012-2013 Dr. Elaine Spencer-Carver
UMKC School of Social Work

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